Friday, December 18, 2015

Peanut Butter Ritz Cookies

Okay, this is by far my favorite holiday treat and it takes like 10 minutes to make! Salty, peanut butter and chocolate are my weakness and I could eat dozens of these. It might seem like a simple, boring treat but it seriously is the best! If you don't try these I will be very disappointed!

What you need: 
Ritz crackers
Peanut butter
Wilton's chocolate melts- I made a lot so I used almost 24 oz
Holiday sprinkles

Place a good amount of peanut butter on a ritz cracker and sand which it with another cracker. Place in a bowl of melted chocolate (melt according to pkg) and use a fork to move it around and remove it. Place on wax paper and quickly add sprinkles. Let it cool, completely before eating.

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