Saturday, December 27, 2014

BBQ Lemon Pepper Chicken

I don't know about you guys, but I'm done with cooking, baking, eating out, pigging out, and I'm just feeling gross now that Christmas is over.  The past couple of weeks I've just been feeling so blah, but I can't stop eating!  I'm ready to relax for the next couple of weeks and I'm not going to spend my days waking up at 7 to start baking all day.  This BBQ Lemon Pepper Chicken is light and a nice change from all that ham, turkey and potatoes we've all been eating.  It also has only 3 ingredients and takes about 2 minutes to prepare.  I think we all need a fast, easy recipe after the holidays.

What you need:

chicken breast
BBQ sauce (I use Famous Dave's Rich and Sassy but any works great)
lemon pepper spice (the best spice!)

- Place chicken in the crock pot.  Pour over just enough BBQ sauce to cover the chicken and sprinkle the lemon pepper over top.  
- Cook on low for 6-8 hours.  Meat will be tender and falls apart to the touch.

- I also have made this over the stove.  Just brown your chicken adding lemon pepper as you go and then cover with BBQ sauce at the end.

Could this recipe BE any easier!? (In a Chandler Bing voice).

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