Monday, February 8, 2016

Saltine Cracker Toffee

I've seen this toffee recipe all over the Internet for months now so I thought I'd finally give it a try and see if it's really as easy as it looks.. And it is! Takes just minutes and sure is a crowd pleaser. It's sooo addicting! I made this while my husband was out of town and ate half the pan in two days.. Oops! 
Also, I  put some cute valentines sprinkles on to make it festive!

What you need:
40 saltine crackers
1 cup butter
1 cup brown sugar
1 pkg of milk chocolate chips (11.5 oz)
Optional- nuts or sprinkles

- preheat oven to 400 depress 
-Line a cookie sheet with it foil and spray with non-stick spray. 
- line crackers on the foil evenly and touching
- in a saucepan, melt butter completely and add the brown sugar. Bring to a boil and stir for 3 minutes.
- pour evenly over the crackers, covering each one
-  bake for 5 minutes and take out the oven. Pour chocolate chips over the crackers and let sit for for two minutes then take a spatula and spread the chocolate all around. Add desired toppings
- put in the fridge or freezer until hard (I put mine in the fridge for about 2 hours). Take out and break apart.

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