Tuesday, January 26, 2016

BBQ Ranch Chicken Salad

You know you have a problem (or just really pregnant) when you dream up new dessert recipes in your dreams. But then I wake up and get depressed that they're not waiting for me down in my kitchen.. I seriously have such a baking bug lately, but I'm in the biggest cooking rut! I don't feel like cooking, trying new things or even eating dinners. I just make the same old things, my poor family. Can't a pregnant girl just eat cookies and chocolate without being judged?! I mean I am taking my prenatals.. So the baby's fine right??  Anyways.. In my non wanting to cook stage these days, I've come up with some really easy, simple and light recipes that I'll be sharing this week. Hope you enjoy! And stay tuned for the dessert recipes I've been dreaming up!

I know this the worst picture, but it gives you the idea.
What you need:
Shredded chicken
Black beans
Chrused tortilla chips
Bbq sauce

All these are optional, you can also add whatever you want. Just throw it all together, mix in bbq sauce and top it with ranch. Such an easy dinner to throw together.

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