Wednesday, September 2, 2015

DIY multiple burlap wreath

It's September!  Which means it's time to start my fall crafts.  Burlap and college football scream fall so I put the two together to make this pretty wreath.  I always saw these wreaths all over Pinterest and was intimidated by them because they look so complicated, but after looking at a few tutorials, I found my own easy way of doing it and it turned out great!  
Go Utes!

What you need:
16" wire wreath
3 rolls of wired burlap in different colors- 30 feet each and about 2.5" in thickness
any accents you want 

Fold the end of a piece of burlap into fourths.

Tie in a know over the middle two wires of the wreath.

With the back of the wreath facing you, take the burlap and start weaving it through each frame making big enough loops.

When you're ready for another roll, tie it on like before and start weaving. 

Make sure you're bunching it close together.

 When going back to use the other burlap, twist it in the back so it will stay and weave it.

Keep going all the way around.

Add your accents and you're done!

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