Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Holiday Cookie Sandwiches

I'm so excited to share with you all my new favorite cookie!  I had a couple of my nieces and nephew come over to help me make some cute Easter cookies.  Needless to say, it will be a new tradition.  It was so easy because the cookies are pre made, there was hardly any work and it was an easy clean up (the best with kids)!  I know I'm not the only who loved these Pillsbury sugar cookies as a kid, and I still love them.  I decided to make them a little fancier and added frosting to the center and rolled it in some festive sprinkles.  These cookies come out for every holiday, so I'm already excited to make them for the next holiday.  It was such a fun activity to do and was nice to not have the huge mess of making and decorating sugar cookies like we usually do.  Defiantly a must try!

Also- We all know these cookies get eaten up fast, so I would double the recipe if you're planning on making them for more than a couple of people!

What you need:
1 pkg Pillsbury sugar cookies (for any holiday you choose)
1/4 cup softened butter
2 oz softened cream cheese
1/2 tsp vanilla
2 cups powder sugar
2 Tbs milk
festive sprinkles

- Bake sugar cookies according to package and cool completely.
- In a large bowl, cream together butter and cream cheese.  Add vanilla and mix.  Add powder sugar and mix.  Add milk and mix.
- Take one cookie and spread frosting all over the bottom side.  Take another cookie and press it into the frosting making a sandwich.  Squeeze the cookie from the middle to get enough frosting on the edges.  
- Put sprinkles in a bowl.  Roll the outside of the sandwiched cookie covering it with sprinkles.

And now you've just created your new favorite holiday cookie tradition!

Recipe adapted from: www.ohsweetbasil.com

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