Thursday, May 29, 2014

Grilled Chicken Caesar Wraps

So it's been a couple of weeks since I've posted anything.  My little monster knocked our camera off the counter and broke it.  Good news is that the camera was still under warranty.  Bad news is that they've had it for 2 weeks and we still haven't gotten it back.  I've been taking pictures with my iPhone, but they're such bad quality that I didn't want to use them.  But since it's been forever since I've posted a recipe, I decided to just post these pictures and change them out one day with better ones.

These grilled chicken caesar wraps are seriously the easiest recipe.  The total prep/cook time was about 5 minutes.  These wraps might become a regular at my house.

What you need:

flour tortillas
cooked chicken cut into strips
roman lettuce
grape or cherry tomatoes
shredded parmesan cheese
your favorite caesar salad dressing

I didn't put how much of each ingredient you need because it's up to you.  Lay out your tortilla and layer the dressing, lettuce, tomatoes, chicken and cheese (put how every much of each item you want).  Roll up and you have dinner ready!

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